The team

A/Prof Abiodun David Ogunniyi

  • Chief Investigator
  • University of Adelaide

Associate Professor Abiodun David Ogunniyi is a Fellow of the Australian Society for Microbiology and NHMRC Research Fellow, Australian Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Ecology, The University of Adelaide. A/Prof Ogunniyi has an international reputation in molecular analysis of bacterial pathogenesis, protein vaccine research and development of bioluminescent mouse infection models for efficacy assessment of new drug classes against multidrug-resistant pathogens.

A/Prof Ogunniyi has published 2 book chapters, >110 manuscripts, >25 scientific reports for Industry, co-supervised 7 Honours (all First Class), one MSc, and 6 PhD students and directly involved in mentoring >10 Research Assistants, >15 PhD students and >10 postdocs. At CEAStAR, A/Prof Ogunniyi will co-ordinate the cross-institutional novel antibacterial pre-clinical experimental strategy, including the training of ICHDRs and ICPDs in bioluminescent mouse infection models and industry engagement.

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